Donnerstag, März 30, 2006

Sheema Kalbasi

(... and the logic behind saying no is... what exactly?)

Dear diary,

I love you so much thank you honestly. It's called the buggy computer dance and I love you so much and ... you win the surprise... dear diary I love Apple pie.

Those were my daughter's words from yesterday... sitting on my lap and pretending to write on the computer. A few minutes later when I checked my e-mails... I found one from an intelligent Iranian woman who is perusing her PhD at one of the top U.S. universities. She, I like and enjoy reading her articles. It is not she... but the content of the e-mail I received that to me is dishonest. It is strange to me that people who support and push for a love affair between the U.S. and the murderer regime of Iran or are collecting evidence to persecute the regime are sending out e-mails saying they feel compelled to take a clear position in response to the recent announcement by the US Administration to allocate $85 million in aid to groups opposed to the Islamic regime in Iran. Dear diary, I look at my daughter's doll on the floor and remember my daughter's words from yesterday. She loves apple pie! Maybe I should bake an apple pie with her tonight. I know! I know! I have not decided to bake it yet but I know what I know and I know of my decision about this new petition. I find it idiotic to sign this petition! I know for a fact that I can't pull with my hands and push with my feet (a Persian phrase.) I know for a fact that a regime that kills and murders its own people is not a government to deal with. Oh! By the way dear diary, I don't like war! Please God, Yahweh, Jesus, Lord, Allah, Khoda, or whatever red hair or African mother you are up there or down here... please help me cook low carb dishes, and Iran's ethnic restaurant to survive the fire, and while you are at it... please save countless other political celebrities who dine at the not so fine prisons of the oppressive regime in Iran.

Be my guest and please view our Iranin delicious menu items. We serve alcohol free beer, human scalps; executed-women-body parts, national domestic violence, and CCW (the Caspian Chemical Waste) seafood. Oh! Please do sign this petition if you want this guy to be our next head of staff!

Thank you for your participation and upholding the safety, welfare of every Iranian and fulfilling your civic duty. By the way while you insist on your pilgrimage back through time... we will include your name in the list of our latest barbie doll designs. Those dolls have specifically given up their wings for a tale !(hum! or maybe a tail!)

ما به کمک هشتاد و پنج میلیونی آمریکا نه می گوییم

( و این نه گفتن بر مبنای چه منطقی هست؟)

روزنگار عزیزم،

خیلی صادقانه دوستت دارم. حالا زنبور خوشگلم... با رقص کامپیوتری از توی لونه اش می پره... میره توی کندوی عسل اونوری... خیلی دوستت دارم... تو برنده جایزه شدی... و روزنگار عزیزم من کیک سیب هم خیلی دوست دارم.

اینها کلمه های دیروز دختر کوچولو بود که روی پاهام نشسته بود و روی دکمه های کی-بورد می زد و به خیال خودش روزنگارش رو می نوشت. چند دقیقه بعدش که ای-میلهام رو چک می کردم... چشمم به ای-میل یک خانوم ایرانی افتاد که در حال گرفتن دکتراش در یکی از دانشگاههای رده بالای امریکاست. از خود اون خانم خوشم میاد و از خوندن نوشته هاش هم لذت می برم. فردیتش نیست بلکه مضمون نامه است که به نظرم فریبکارانه اومد. برام عجیبه که آدمهایی که به آمریکا فشار میارن که با رژیم جنایتکار ایران مغازله رو شروع کنه یا آدمهایی که دنبال پرونده سازی از جنایات رژیم ایران هستند ای-میل می فرستند و می گویند: لازم می بییند در پاسخ به اعلامیه اخیر دولت آمریکا مبنی بر اختصاص هشتاد و پنج میلیون دلار به گروههای مخالف رژیم موضع گیری شفاف داشته باشند.

روزنگار عزیزم، چشمم که به عروسک دختر کوچولو گوشه اتاق می افته (در حالیکه خودش مهد کودکه و منم مشغول تایپ این نوشته،) یاد حرفهای دیشبش می افتم که می گفت کیک سیب خیلی دوست داره... شاید امشب با هم کیک سیب درست کنیم. می دونم! می دونم! هنوز تصمیم نگرفتم که کیک بپزم یا نه! اما چیزهایی که می دونم رو که می دونم! تصمیمم رو راجع به امضای این پتیشن هم می دونم. حماقت می دونم که بخوام این پتیشن رو امضا کنم. به واقع می دونم که نمی تونم با دست پیش بکشم و با پا پس بزنم. با تمام وجودم می دونم و باور دارم که رژیمی که آدمکش هست دولتی نیست که بشه باهش وارد صحبت شد.

روزنگار عزیزم، من جنگ نمی خوام! خواهش می کنم خدا جون، پروردگارا، یهوا، مسیح موعود، الله، مو قرمز و یا مادر افریقایی که اون بالا یا این پایین هستی... خواهش می کنم کمکم کن که بتونم غذاهای سالم و کم چربی بپزم و ضمنا رستوران محلی (اقلیتی) ایران از شعله آتش جان سالم به در ببره! و همزمان که مشغول اینکاری... لطفا مهمانان متشخص یا قابل فهمتر بگم زندانیان سیاسی رو که در زندانهای نه خیلی آب و رنگ دار رژیم خونخوار ایران اسیرند رو هم یک نیم نگاهی به عدالت بنداز.

خوب حالا شما هم مهمون من باشین و این منیو رستوران رو یک نگاهی بندازین بلکه خوشتون بیاد! ما مشروبات غیر الکلی سرو می کنیم، کاسه سر آدم، اعضای بدن زنان اعدام شده، وحشیگری و ضربت ملی و خوراک -شیمیایی- آلوده- دریایی خزر. آهان! لطفا این پتیشن رو امضاکنین تا دفعه دیگه سر گارسونمون این آقا بشه!

مرسی برای امضاهاتون و تلاشتون برای امنیت و تامین جانی و ملی هر ایرانی و... انجام وظایف شهروندیتون... ضمنا حالا که سرتون گرمه که به زیارت قعر تاریخ بریم... ما اسمتون رو برای قدردانی در لیست عروسکهای باربی تازه به بازار اومده اضافه می کنیم ... این عروسکهای تماما مخصوص... بالهاشون رو به هوس شنیدن یک قصه (یا شاید هم یک دم/دنبالچه!) معاوضه کرده اند!

Sonntag, März 26, 2006

Gericht verhindert Abschiebung in Iran

Frankfurt/Main. Das Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt am Main hat die geplante Abschiebung eines geschiedenen Ehepaars aus dem Iran gestoppt, weil der Mann Karrikaturen des Propheten Mohammed sowie des geistlichen Oberhaupts des Iran, Ajatollah Ali Chamenei, im Internet veröffentlicht hatte. Diese Veröffentlichungen führten zu einer Verfolgungsgefahr bei Rückkehr in den Iran, entschied das Gericht in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Urteil. (AFP/jW)

Dienstag, März 21, 2006

Montag, März 20, 2006

Happy Newrooz
21st March the first day of the Spring, In many cultures it is also the first day of the new year. They name it as (Norooz) or (Newrooz).

It means new time, new era.

So Happy Newrooz, Happy New Year

Rajab Mohamadin

Dienstag, März 14, 2006

Ich spreche
von Dingen,
die im Feuer stehen
und nicht verderben,
die ihren Glanz
am Feuer keltern,
die mit nackten Fuessen
durch die Glut
gegangen sind.

Ich spreche
von Dingen,
die keine Furcht
vor Asche haben.

Nazanin Mehra

من می گویم
از چیزهایی
که در آتشند
و فاسد نمی شوند
که درخشش خود را
با آتش تخمیر می کنند
با پای برهنه
از میان اخگر
گذشته اند.

من می گویم
از چیزهایی
که هیچ ترسی
از خاکستر ندارند.


Samstag, März 11, 2006

Keinen Krieg gegen den Iran – für eine politische Lösung

Die USA scheinen entschlossen, gegen den Iran einen Luftkrieg zu führen. Diesmal könnte es Washington gelingen, die EU vor ihren Kriegskarren zu spannen, wenn sich nicht die Bürgerinnen und Bürger dagegen zur Wehr setzen. Wir lehnen mit aller Entschiedenheit einen neuen Krieg ab. Selbst wenn Teheran Atomwaffen anstrebte, die wir ebenso ablehnen, könnte der Iran auf absehbare Zeit niemanden mit Atomwaffen bedrohen, ungeachtet aller verbaler Attacken des iranischen Präsidenten Ahmadinedschad, die wir scharf verurteilen. Eine friedliche politische Lösung ist also durchaus möglich.
Die Vereinigten Staaten nutzen jedoch die iranischen Atomanlagen nur als Anlaß für viel weiter reichende Ziele:

- Der Iran soll zu einer unbedeutenden Macht zurück gebombt werden, um Amerikas Vormachtstellung im Mittleren Osten weiter auszubauen. Deshalb ist zu befürchten, dass außer Atomanlagen, auch die Infrastruktur des Landes, wie 1991 im Irak, wichtige Versorgungseinrichtungen wie Ölraffinerien und militärische Ziele bombardiert werden sollen.

- Durch Chaos und Zusammenbruch der Versorgung sollen Revolten der iranischen Bevölkerung mit all ihren ethnischen Minderheiten provoziert, und das Islamische Regime durch ein US-freundliches ersetzt werden. Nachdem sie in Afghanistan und Irak militärisch präsent sind, zielen die USA auf die vollständige Kontrolle der Ölquellen und Transportrouten im gesamten Mittleren Osten.

Die US-Regierung scheut wegen eigener Hegemonialinteressen nicht davor zurück, den Weltfrieden zu gefährden und einen Flächenbrand in der Region zu riskieren. Ein Krieg gegen Iran hätte fatale Konsequenzen nicht nur für die Völker im Mittleren und Nahen Osten sondern auch für Europa. Neue ethnische Konflikte, Bürgerkrieg zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten im Irak, Verwicklung Saudi-Arabiens und Syriens sind sehr wahrscheinlich. Es muss auch mit der Blockade der Öltransportrouten und rasant steigenden Ölpreisen gerechnet werden. Nur Arbeitslosigkeit und Attentate hätten Konjunktur.

Nach den vielen Lügen Washingtons zur Rechtfertigung des Angriffskrieges gegen den Irak braucht die US-Regierung für einen Krieg gegen Iran die moralische Legitimation, wenn nicht gar die Unterstützung der EU-Staaten. Diese Legitimation und Unterstützung darf es nicht geben!

Wir rufen daher Alle auf, sich mit Demonstrationen, Kundgebungen und Resolutionen gegen den geplanten Angriffskrieg der USA zu wehren. Wir, als ein Teil des weltweiten Protestes, wenden uns auch gegen die Drohung mit Krieg als dem sogenanntem „letzten Mittel“. Krieg ist der große Terror. Wir wollen jedoch Deeskalation, Nichtangriffsgarantien und Gewaltverzicht.

Von Bundesregierung und Bundeskanzlerin fordern wir mit Nachdruck:

- Unterlassen Sie jegliche Droheskalation, die unweigerlich in einen Krieg einmündet. Schließen Sie jede deutsche Unterstützung für einen Krieg gegen den Iran und erst recht eine deutsche Beteiligung daran unmissverständlich und grundsätzlich aus. Setzen Sie sich auch innerhalb der EU hierfür ein.

- Treten Sie ein für die Bildung einer Langzeit-Konferenz für Sicherheit und regionale Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Nahen Osten, die auch das Ziel verfolgt, dort – wie in der IAEO-Resolution vom 04.02.2006 hervorgehoben - eine Atomwaffenfreie Zone zu errichten, die Israel einschließt. Unternehmen Sie dafür schon jetzt erste Schritte.
- Treten Sie dafür ein, dass Atomwaffenstaaten ihre Verpflichtung zur Abrüstung ihrer Atomarsenale gemäß Artikel VI des Nuklearen Nichtverbreitungsvertrags endlich erfüllen.


Aachener Friedenspreis e.V., Franz Alt, Bundesausschuss,
Friedensratschlag, Andreas Buro, Angelika Claussen, Hans-Peter Dürr,
Ulrich Gottstein, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges
- Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW - dt. Sektion, der
Vorstand), Heiko Kauffmann, Kooperation für den Frieden, Mohssen
Massarrat, Oskar Negt, Netzwerk Friedenskooperative, Bernhard Nolz,
Horst-Eberhard Richter, Clemens Ronnefeld, Horst Schmitthenner,
Hans Christoph von Sponeck, Mani Stenner, Peter Strutynski, Frank Uhe,
Reinhard Voss, Peter Wahl, Konstantin Wecker.

Presserechtlich verantwortlich:
Andreas Buro / Mohssen Massarrat

Unterschriften mit Beteiligung an den Kosten für die Veröffentlichung
als Zeitungsanzeige (Einzelpersonen mind. 20,- EUR;
Gruppen/Organisationen mind. 50,- EUR)
bitte senden an die
Kooperation für den Frieden, c/o Netzwerk Friedenskooperative, Römerstr.
88, 53111 Bonn,
Tel. 0228/692904, Fax: 0228/692906, per E-Mail an:

Förderverein Frieden e.V. Konto-Nr. 33035 bei Sparkasse Bonn (BLZ 380
500 00),
Stichwort: Iranaufruf

Eine gemeinsame Aktion des Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag
und der Kooperation für den Frieden

The Greening of Iran

A look inside the Green Party of Iran

by Gar Smith

Iranian students and Greens demonstrate for peace and freedom in Tehran.
Environmental activists in the US may think they have their hands full trying to save the air, land and waterways from an administration run by oil, coal, gas and uranium junkies but maybe we should count our blessings. It could be worse. We could be members of the Green Party of Iran.

"Come again? There's a Green Party in Iran? You're kidding."

It's no joke. The Iran-e-Sabz is one of 24 global green parties located in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. The Iran-e-Sabz was founded in 1999 and its website bristles with all the typical Green Party concerns: forests and wildlife, water and air quality, oil and mineral exploitation, nuclear weapons, population, renewable energy, agriculture, corporate responsibility, economic equity, peace, democracy, human rights, and sexual freedom.

But Iran is a country that traditionally has a low tolerance for public criticism.

In May 2000, a cartoonist was jailed for a drawing that took a jab at a conservative cleric. That same year, the government hanged four people and amputated the fingers of seven prisoners, closed the Daily Arya newspaper, flogged two people caught smoking in public and cracked-down on people playing chess in public parks.

During the 2000 election, the Interior Ministry barred 758 candidates from key polls, disqualified 576 potential candidates, jammed politically charged radio programs, and annulled the victories of at least seven reform candidates.

On September 18, 2001, members of the Green Party joined other Iranians in a candle-lit vigil in Tehran's Mohseni Square to express sympathy for the lives lost in the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Some of the Greens also carried placards criticizing the environmental failures of the government. According to the Greens, the vigil was attacked "by vigilantes organized by the Iranian regime." A number of protesters were reportedly beaten and arrested and police confiscated the protest signs.

The Terrain in Tehran

Two women struggle to make their way through the smog-clogged capitol city.
An environmentalist in Iran would not want for crusades to undertake. The country's forests have been denuded, urban centers are bursting with swollen populations and the effluent of oil refineries, industrial smokestacks and fossil-fuel-spewing tailpipes besmirches air and water.

Pollution is killing the Caspian Sea where fish harvests were down 11 percent in 2000. Iran's Moghan deer vanished in late 2000 and the Iranian cheetah is facing extinction, along with the Asian Black bear, Caspian tiger, Persian fallow deer, wild ass, houbara bustard and Iranian wolf.

Drought and a cut-off of river water from neighboring Afghanistan has nearly eradicated Hamoun Lake -- at 4,000 sq. kilometers, once the largest freshwater lake in Iran. Hundreds of thousands of migrating birds used to depend on the lake as a crucial stop-over.

Economically, the average Iranian's assets are less than half of the world average. At the same time, Iran's energy consumption is double the world average. Although Iran's petrochemical industry accounts for more that 90 percent of the country's export revenues, most of Iran's vehicles still run on outmoded leaded gasoline and the cars lack pollution controls.

On an average day, a resident of Tehran can expect to see the city's air anointed with a deadly incense of industrial smoke -- 3,000 tons of carbon monoxide, 40 tons of hydrocarbons, 30 tons of sulfur and two tons of lead.

In December 1999, the air over Tehran was so clouded with smoke that it became impossible to see the sun. Schools were closed. Hospitals filled with people gasping for breath. The Green Party did not mince words. It declared in a public statement that "considerable blame should be placed on the current government for their lack of concern and for their inability to solve the air pollution problems or to prevent any other environmental destruction in Iran during the past 20 years of their regime."

The indirect ramifications of the industrialized world's excesses are also catching up with Iran which, like every other country on Earth, is faced with the unknown stresses of a changing climate.

Vanishing Rivers; Disappearing Lakes

In the summer of 2000, the Zayanderoud River, which courses grandly through Isfahan, stopped flowing, strangled by two years of unprecedented drought. Some 800,000 animals perished from hunger and disease and 200,000 nomads -- along with more than 60 percent of Iran's rural population -- swarmed into the cities seeking relief from the swelter.

UN emergency inspectors reported that all but three of Iran's 28 provinces were running out of drinking water. In the southwest town of Abadan, rioters smashed stores and set fires to protest the lack of drinking water. The United Nations warned that the drought, the worst in 30 years, was destroying wildlife habitats and aquatic ecosystems. Three major lakes northwest of Mahabad dried up. Jafar Sediqi, a local environmentalist, told the Iranian News Agency IRNA) that the disappearance of Iran's lakes, wetlands and rivers "has endangered the life of many migratory and endemic birds" including "ducks, swans, flamingos, herons and gray geese."

With millions of fish rotting in drying lakebeds and the bodies of dead camels lining the roads, Iran was forced to appeal to the outside world for economic aide -- only the second time such an appeal had been made since the clerics seized power during the Islamic Revolution of 1979, that overthrew the Shah of Iran (who had been installed by the CIA after the US engineered the overthrow of his predecessor, the democratically elected nationalist Mossedeh.)

The Green Party's Programs

The GPI has condemned "current mining practices, such as open pit mining, diverting rivers and draining lakes." and "rejects the unlimited consumption of these non-renewable resources."

The GPI is a fierce critic of the government's fossil fuel-based energy plan and has called instead for an energy program based on "solar heating and cooling systems, solar water heating, solar electricity, ocean, wind and small-scale hydro." The Greens are strongly opposed the planned construction of the Bushehr nuclear powerplant and 15 additional reactors.

The GPI wants Iran to abolish and dismantle "all nuclear, chemical and biological weapon programs."

Agricultural production provides about 20 percent of Iran's gross domestic product. Despite growing wheat, rice, sugar beets, fruits, nuts, cotton, wool, dairy products and caviar, the GPI notes that Iran still "is not self-sufficient in food production. In addition, the quality of food is decreasing due to heavy chemical pesticide and fertilizer use, non-cropping, over-processes and long-distance transportation." The GPI has proposed that chemical-free farming be encouraged by "rewarding farmers for converting from chemical to ecological methods of farming."

The Green's ecology runs so deep that it insists that "all species have the intrinsic right to exist without regard to their usefulness to humankind and that humans must share the environment with all other species so that biological diversity is sustained."

The GPI has called for the creation of "an endangered species act" and conservation strategies that will preserve "large tracts of land as wilderness, free from permanent human habitation and resource exploitation."

While Iran's Greens would ban animal experimentation, they are still a bit soft on recreational hunting which, they say, should continue but under strict limits. If the GPI was running things, corporations would be socially and environmentally responsible and "a regulatory body would be se up to carry out environmental inspections and that corporations be legally liable, criminally and in civil court, for the environmental harm they cause."

Getting to Know Our Colleagues in Iran

Recently the media has reported on how America's Christian Right has begun to forge an alliance with their fellow fundamentalists in Iran's ruling mullocracy. It's easy to see why Pat Robertson could find common cause with other religious leaders who would elevate privilege and patrimony over the rights of wives and mothers, gays, lesbians, and dissidents of every stripe.

As a matter of solidarity, it behooves US environmentalists to build bridges to our brothers and sisters in Iran and to lend a hand when and where we can.

The Green Party of Iran's platform is unstintingly radical. Given that the goal is to achieve these goals within a heavily controlled Islamic state, just publishing the platform could be seen as nothing short of heroic.

On the volatile issue of womens' rights, the GPI platform decrees: "All political, economic and religious laws that discriminate against women must be annulled and replaced by laws supporting women's rights. Participation in social, political and economic organizations by women must be increased by affirmative action projects. Women must have the freedom to form feminist organizations" and, finally, "Women have the right to decide to have an abortion. To avoid abortions caused by a lack of social and economic support, the government must provide universal child health services."

Greening the Islamic Economy

Nor is the GPI shy when it comes to spelling out its program for "Greening of the Economy." The GPI "believes that the economic system should be based on the fair distribution of wealth" and the economy should be self-sustaining -- "neither a free market nor command-based system, since both are based on unlimited economic expansion and consumption." A self-sustaining economic model would be one that exists "in harmony with the environment in addition to working for the social well being of people."

"Since economies grow while ecosystems do not," Iran's Greens reason, "a growing economy is a threat to the long-term health and well being of a society." It points to the example of the West where "large corporations seeking increased revenues are often the main perpetrators of environmental destruction." Globalization and increased foreign trade is anathema to Iran's Greens who proclaim that "economic development should never be used as an excuse to harm the environment." And the first requirement for achieving this sustainable economy, the GPI observes is "a stable democratic political system."

Under the democratic model envisioned by the GPI, Every Iranian citizen has the right to live in a healthy environment; every Iranian citizen is equal by law, regardless of gender, age, race, nationality, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or political beliefs." Labor unions would be legalized and protected. Students, teachers, farmers, businessfolk and merchants would similarly be guaranteed the right to organize. The Greens would replace Iran's military draft with an all-volunteer army."

Politically, Iranians should be permitted to raise and resolve national issues through the power of public referendums. Capital punishment (currently justified under the S'haria code of Islamic law, would be banned, along with the use of torture (which has been a fixture in Iran's jails for centuries). Freedom of speech, assembly and religion must be granted "unconditionally" and extended to "speech, thought, press, film television and Internet."

There would be "free health care, education and social welfare services [designed] to increase the standard of living."

"In the last two decades," the GPI states, "Iran has experienced increased levels of poverty, misery, homelessness, prostitution and inflation and has seen a general reduction in the quality of life and in the strength of the economy as a result of its bloody eight-year war with Iraq and of its interference in the internal struggles of foreign countries." The Greens would put an end to this patter of "endless wars " and institute "a foreign policy of non-engagement."

"The Green Party of Iran believes that engaging in war with another country is never acceptable. Disagreements that cannot be resolved diplomatically, must be resolved by competent international organizations."

"The Green Party of Iran believes that the current Islamic Republic of Iran and its undemocratically elected government is unable to solve the mounting problems facing the country today such as its devastated ecology, faltering economy, the reduction in the standard of living, and the lack of freedom of speech and of human rights." In order to overcome these obstacles, the GRI states, "the removal of the present regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is necessary and inevitable."

The phrase "regime change" must surely bring a smile to the lips of CIA planners and "Axis of Evil" hawks. It would not be surprising to learn at some future date that the GPI may have become the unwitting recipient of covert aid from US intelligence agencies.

But when the time comes for Iran to reinvent itself politically, the GPI will be there to insist that Iranians are "given the right to democratically choose representatives who will work together to write a constitution and propose a political system for the country. Subsequently, a representative government must be elected through free democratic elections."

For more information contact:
Web Address:

Donnerstag, März 09, 2006

JACK & HARUN – Ein Theaterstück

Gastspiel in


Alte-Jakob-Str. 12 / Berlin Kreuzberg

Am 9. und 10. März 2006 - 20:00 Uhr

Eine psychiaterische Anstalt.
Der schizophrene libanesische Dichter Harun glaubt, er sei Saddam Hussein.
Eines Tages wird der Amerikaner Jack auf sein Zimmer verlegt.
Jack hält sich für George W. Bush.
Ein Konflikt scheint unvermeidbar, doch verstehen sich die beiden Gewalttäter
besser als man denkt ...


Text und Regie FARHAD PAYAR
Text und Dramaturgie YASMIN KHALIFA

Eintrittskarten: 10,00 Euro; ermäßigt 8,00 Euro
Tel. Vorbestellung: 030 – 615 20 20 oder 0172 / 3160863

Gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur


نمایشی به زبان آلمانی / برای آخرین بار در برلین

9. und 10. März 2006 – 20,00 Uhr

جک و هارون داستان دو بیمار روانی در یک تیمارستان است که خود را جورج بوش و صدام حسین میپندارند!

کارگردان: فرهاد پایار
نویسنده : فرهاد پایار و یاسمین خلیفه
کوریوگرافی: مژگان هاشمیان


ورودی ۱۰ ایرو / با تخفیف ۸ ایرو


Alte-Jakob-Str. 12 / Berlin Kreuzberg

20 20 615 Tel

Die USA sind nach Einschätzung von Grünen-Fraktionsvize Ströbele dabei, einen Militärschlag gegen den Iran vorzubereiten. SPD-Außenexperte Annen widersprach dem.

Der Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele sieht Entwicklungen im Atom-Konflikt mit dem Iran pessimistisch. Die derzeitige Situation sei «düster». Der «Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung» (NOZ) sagte der Vizechef der Bundestagsfraktion, vor allem mache ihm eines Sorge: «Ich habe den Eindruck, die USA wollen einen Krieg gegen den Iran führen.»

Wie auch schon vor dem Irak-Krieg seien die Planungen dazu von der Bush-Regierung bereits weit vorangetrieben, sagt Ströbele.

Der SPD Außenpolitiker Niels Annen nannte Spekulationen über einen Militär-Angriff der USA auf den Iran allerdings «verantwortungslos». Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand «gibt es derzeit niemanden in Washington, der ernsthaft an einen Militärschlag gegen den Iran denkt», sagte Annen der NOZ.

Montag, März 06, 2006

Atomstreit mit Iran: "Die Lage ist ernst"
Außenminister Steinmeier ist "besorgt" - IAEA Beratungen
Anlässlich der Beratungen der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) über das iranische Atomprogramm hat sich Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier besorgt über die Lage in dem Streit gezeigt. "Trotz durchaus guter und konstruktiver Gespräche haben wir leider keine neuen und Erfolg versprechenden iranischen Vorschläge gehört", sagte der SPD-Politiker einem Bericht zufolge. "Die Lage ist also ernst."

Freitag, März 03, 2006