Samstag, März 31, 2007

Saudi-Arabien warnt Iran vor möglichem US-Angriff

Saudi-Arabien hat den iranischen Staatschef Mahmud Ahmadinedschad davor gewarnt, die Gefahr eines US-Angriffes zu unterschätzen. "Wir haben ihn gewarnt: Spielen Sie nicht mit dem Feuer", sagte der saudiarabische Außenminister Saud el Faisal dem US-Nachrichtenmagazin "Newsweek".

Im Übrigen sei es "eine Katastrophe" für den Iran, dass er derzeit 15 britische Marine-Angehörige festhalte. "So ein Problem können sie sich gerade überhaupt nicht leisten", sagte der saudiarabische Außenminister über den Iran.

"Glauben Sie nicht, dass die Gefahr eines amerikanischen Angriffs auf den Iran nicht besteht; gehen Sie davon aus, dass es eine echte Gefahr ist, vielleicht sogar eine greifbare Gefahr", sagte Faisal. König Abdullah habe klare Worte mit Ahmadinedschad gesprochen, als er ihn Anfang März in Riad empfangen habe, betonte der saudi-arabische Außenminister. "Warum wollen Sie das riskieren und ihrem Land Schaden zufügen?", habe der König seinen Gast bei dem Treffen gefragt. "Warum so eilig? Warum müssen Sie dieses Jahr Uran anreichern und nicht nächstes Jahr oder im Jahr darauf? Oder in fünf Jahren?"

Der König spreche offen mit jedem und habe Ahmadinedschad unverhohlen gesagt, dass dieser "arabische Angelegenheiten durchkreuze", sagte Faisal. Der iranische Präsident mische sich im Irak ein, was in der arabischen und muslimischen Welt zu heftigen Reaktionen führe. "Andere muslimische Länder" beschwerten sich über den Iran, sagte Faisal.

Freitag, März 30, 2007

Save Parisa and her 4 years old daughter from Casablanca International Airport


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To: Moroccan Immigration
and UNHCR in Morocco

We are submitting this affidavit to Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh‘s application for asylum. We unequivocally support Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh’s asylum claim. She would face a serious and well-founded fear of future persecution in relevant international guidelines

we have been informed from IFIR that Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh was forced to flee Iran with her child on February 2007 to save her life from ill-treatment, sexual violation, rape and insecurities. She and her child went to Turkey. She received a false passport arranged by a smuggler. Parisa and her child traveled from Turkey, transiting through Morocco on their way to Europe. On 3 March 2007, when they arrived in Morocco, the authenticity of their passports was questioned. Parisa made asylum claims but their asylum claims were not consider by Turkish and Moroccan authorities and then they were sent back to Turkey. Turkish authorities also returned them to Morocco again; they are now in the transit hall of the international airport in Casablanca, Morocco. The Moroccan authorities want to send Parisa and her daughter back to Iran. Parisa is afraid to return to Iran as she believes she will be prosecuted and at risk of sexual harassments, torture and possibly death. Something that the family is convinced will be devastating to their life and safety. The Moroccan authorities are imposing pressure on the family by having them stranded in the Transit hall of the Casablanca International Airport for the weeks. They were forced to sleep in the open terminal, denying them all access to the most basic needs, including shower, proper food, etc. Regardless of the legalities of their case, this is a clear breach of all human rights principles.

The situation of women in Iran is inhuman, the brutality and violence against women and girls are every day occurrences in Iran. The massacred woman committed by the Iranian Islamic regime can not be denied or excused. Misogyny, racial apartheid is the norm of the Iranian Islamic regime that women are facing. Nothing can hide the fact that the Iranian Islamic government is anti-woman misogynist and antithetical to women's rights and autonomy.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. It reflects a new vision of the child. Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of their own rights. Despite the existence of rights, children suffer from poverty, homelessness, abuse, neglect, preventable diseases, and unequal access to education and justice systems that do not recognize their special needs. The Untied Nation has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. The family as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well being of all its members and particularly children should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community. For the full and harmonious development of children personality, they should grow up in a family environment in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.

Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh would face a serious threat to her life and liberty should she be deported to Iran. Having fled Iran and being a victim of sexual apartheid of the Iranian regime places her life in danger. She has real reason to fear persecution should she be returned to Iran. By deporting Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh and her child to Iran, who is a victim of the Iranian Regime, will in actuality be a preparation of her arrest, torture and other violation of human rights.

Morocco acceded to the 1951 Refugee Convention. As a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, Morocco and UNHCR in Morocco are responsible for carrying out the refugee status determination procedure and granting asylum to those people who are entitled to it.

We strongly urges the Moroccan authorities and UNHCR in Morocco to revisit the Ms. Parisa Soraya Ivrigh‘s case and grant her and her child refugee recognition based on her well-founded fear of future persecution and execution.


The Undersigned

Sheema कल्बसी: Kodak ready

It is incredibly interesting how the Iranian regime bullies the world and everything and everyone is taken hostage because of this or such regimes and it is considered as a cultural difference! I don’t know to laugh or cry when hearing or reading these stuff. Now on a totally different matter I recently found this article on There is this so called feminist whom I guess is either a Mullah Baaji (female mullah!) or has been given a sound chance to leave her Qajar grave and has written a funny letter to Farah Diba। I don’t really care for the previous regime and its king and queens and their line of god knows what blood but why shouldn’t Ms. Diba speak to Iranians? Who says her voice should go mute because this one in her playboy magazine cover wants to grant us her own! Colored plastic has made Azadeh Forghani feel Kodak ready. I guess in her there is a little dictator deciding who can and can’t talk! eh.

Mittwoch, März 14, 2007

Sheema Kalbasi / Echoes In Exile

Kalbasi’s poetry is generous and abundantly human, passionate and compassionate.

Jimmy Santiago Baca, award winning poet and author of Immigrants in Our Own Land

Sheema Kalbasi’s poems speak of love, loss, and life in exile. They are the poems of a human rights activist passionate with the hope of peace. Kalbasi’s poetry exposes the deep heart of a woman who is compassionate with suffering and full of the joy of life, of the innocence of a child, the knowledge of a woman, the aspirations of a peacemaker. These are stirring poems with a worldly view, both accessible and imaginative. They make an excellent cross-cultural exchange that demonstrates our universal humanity.

Daniela Gioseffi, American Book Award Winning Author of Women On War: International Writings

Already, this new century seems as deafened by ideological clamour as the last, plagued by residues of cultural and literary separatism sometimes bordering on a kind of 'aesthetic apartheid'. For nations increasingly brought face-to-face across cultural divides - chasms that are now as much internal as external - the need for conversation, on its many levels, has never been more essential. Poetry, with its potential for radical openness and self-revelation, is an ideal prompt and vehicle for that conversation. Many kinds of voice continue to lie dormant in the English-speaking world; but we have at least begun to witness, in more recent times, some breakings of silence. In its quiet, intimate way, Echoes in Exile reverberates with that desire to speak up. Of Iranian descent, Kalbasi is one of a swelling stream of poets now beginning to establish the conversation's many-sidedness.

Dr. Mario Petrucci, BBC Radio 3's Poet In Residence, award winning poet and author of Heavy Water

Sheema Kalbasi’s poems attest to our tragic situation in which exile becomes a privileged position for pointing out the prevalent injustice of displacement. Her deeply engaging and reflective poems allow us to wrest away the very idea of homecoming in a world that denies it.

Dr. Peyman Vahabzadeh, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Department of Sociology University of Victoria, author of Articulated Experiences: Toward a Radical Phenomenology of Contemporary Social Movements


Donnerstag, März 08, 2007


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To: Warner Bros. Pictures Company

Cc: Zack Snyder (director)

We the undersigned, through this letter, protest your irresponsible, unethical and unscientific actions.

This letter is in concern of making the movie, 300 by your company, which, according to all historical documents, is fraudulent and distorted, and its broadcast guarantees the violation of undeniable international legal rights.

It is a proven scholarly fact that the Persian Empire in 480 B.C was the most magnificent and civilized empire. Established by the Cyrus the great, the writer of the first human right declaration, Persians ruled over significant portions of Greater Iran, the east modern Afghanistan and beyond into central Asia; in the north and west all of Asia Minor (modern Turkey), the upper Balkans peninsula (Thrace), and most of the Black Sea coastal regions; in the west and southwest the territories of modern Iraq, northern Saudi-Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, all significant population centers of ancient Egypt and as far west as portions of Libya. Having twenty nations under control, encompassing approximately 7.5 million square kilometers, unquestionably the Achaemenid Empire was territorially the largest empire of classical antiquity.

Based on the Zoroastrian doctrine, it was the strong emphasis on honesty and integrity that gave the ancient Persians credibility to rule the world, even in the eyes of the people belonging to the conquered nations (Herodotus, mid 5th century B.C). Truth for the sake of truth, was the universal motto and the very core of the Persian culture that was followed not only by the great kings, but even the ordinary Persians made it a point to adhere to this code of conduct.

We did not expect Warner Bros. Picture company, as one of the world's largest producers of film and television entertainment to ignore the proven obvious historical facts, and damage its own reputation by showing the Persian army at the battle of Thermopylae as some monstrous savages, and thus create an atmosphere of public mistrust in its content, and hurt the national pride of the millions of Persians while doing so.

While announcing our disgust at such a heresy, we demand an immediate historical review and quick apology from the responsible people.


The Undersigned