Freitag, Mai 26, 2006


of the Baha'í youth
arrested in Shiraz,
19 May 2006.

Iranian officials have arrested 54 Baha'is in the city of Shiraz, the Baha'i International Community has learned.
They are mostly youth and were all engaged in humanitarian service when they were arrested. It is one of the largest number of Baha'is taken at once since the 1980s. The specific charges are not clear, though in the past, Baha'is have been arrested summarily on false charges.

The arrests occurred on Friday, 19 May, while the Baha'is, along with several other volunteers who were not Baha'is, were teaching classes to underprivileged children in a school as part of a UNICEF community service activity conducted by a local non-governmental organization.

At the time of the arrests, they had in their possession a letter of permission from the Islamic Council of Shiraz. They also carried the letter of permission in each of their classes.

Donnerstag, Mai 25, 2006

"Im Land herrscht Ordnung und Frieden!"

Montag, Mai 22, 2006

In response to Niki Akhavan's comments regarding my recent post "One Iranian at a Time? " I say:

Laughable is the assertion that attending a meeting in the US congress is equivalent to promoting war against Iran.

As for answering your questions...

Here is what I would like to work on.

(1) Understand US visa and immigration policies toward Iranian citizens.

(2) Identify whether the aforementioned individuals have taken advantage of a loophole or special treatment.

(3) Bring it to the attention of ordinary citizens and politicians how someone like Nahavandian, who could indeed have a mission to coordinate terrorist acts on the US soil among others, can enter this country without much problem or scrutiny.

(4) Leverage this awareness to help close down the loopholes or end "special treatments."

In the end, I don't know how long Ms. Niki Akhavan has lived in the US but she apparently doesn't have a clue about the way this system works. Citizens' actions, particularly if directed through proper lobbying channels, could wield enormous power in this country. It is a shame that the wealthy, and therefore potentially powerful, Iranian community should allow itself to be subjected to such cynical views.

Freitag, Mai 19, 2006

Will Shirin Ebadi rise to denfend Christians and jews while touring in America?

Sheema Kalbasi

Will any Iranian blogger stand by Christians and jews in Iran? Will Shirin Ebadi rise to denfend Christians and jews while touring in America? Will the human right's activits in Iran protest? Did you know this attitude started during Khatami years? That Armenian shops had to post a sign saying that they are Christian to warn Muslims buying food from them and Armenians are not allowed to hold any government jobs. And I am not even writing about the Bahaies here!

Let us see if anyone even mention it!

Donnerstag, Mai 18, 2006

Iran weist EU-Angebot zurück
Ahmadinedschad droht mit "Eliminierung"
Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat das jüngste EU-Angebot zur Beilegung des Atomkonflikts am Mittwoch scharf zurückgewiesen. Zugleich drohte er jeder Macht, die sich gegen den Willen des Irans stellt, mit Niederlage, Demütigung und Eliminierung, wie der Nachrichtensender Khabar berichtete. Danach sagte der Präsident in der zentraliranischen Stadt Arak, die iranische Nation werde keinen Vorschlag akzeptieren, der einen Stopp der Urananreicherung vorsieht.

Mittwoch, Mai 17, 2006

one Iranian at a time?

I am thinking about taking legal action against any U.S. office that is responsible for granting visa to the supporters of the Iranian regime.

I don't see why Mohsen Sazegara, Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, Atri, etc. have been permitted to study, do research and work in the United States when regular Iranian citizens are denied to get student or tourist visa!
If no one else cares enough to do it I am going to try it!
Why my mother, a resident of Denmark but an Iranian passport holder -at the time- was denied visa to visit her pregnant daughter (myself) in the United States along with my father?
Why did the American embassy in Copenhagen tell her only one Iranian at a time!
From what I see all the ripe fruits and regime supporters are here in the U.S..
Where is the rotten hole that can't be cemented and put a stop to it?

I can't stand this double standard!

Sheema Kalbasi

Samstag, Mai 13, 2006

جامعه پژوهش های اجتماعی ایرانی

برگزار می کند

نگاهی به وضعیت امروز دانشگاه های ایران


دکتر کاظم کردوانی

زمان: چهارشنبه 17 مه 2006 ساعت 19

Rathaus Charlottenburg
Otto-Suhr-Allee 100, 10585 Berlin
U-Bhf Richard Wagner Platz
Bus 245

Freitag, Mai 12, 2006

Honorable European Union Leader,
Honorable Embassy of Austria,
Embassy of Austria.

We are informing you that the life of seven political prisoners who are sentenced to death by

the Islamic Republic of Iran is in danger. And in the last measure of the mullahs' regime,

prisoner Vali Ollah Feiz Mahdavi, was forced to sign the commandment to his execution in

Gohar Dasht Prison in Karaj, which was put into place by the Judgment Enforcement of the

Court of Justice and brought to him by Ali Mohammadi, the director of the Gohar Dasht,

Karaj Prison. The execution date is on May 15, 2006. We demand you to refer this issue to

the European Parliament and prevent his execution.

With great appreciation,

May 11, 2006

Human Rights Activists in Iran
Tel : +989329224904


به نام آزادی

متن نامه ارسالی فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران به سفارت اتریشریاست محترم اتحادیه اروپا

سفارت محترم کشوراتريش

رياست محترم اتحاديه اروپا

با سلام

به عرض شما ميرسانيم که جان هفت تن از زندانيان سياسي که توسط جمهوري اسلامي به مرگ محکوم شده اند در

خطر است و در آخرين اقدام حاکميت , زنداني سياسي ولي الله فيض مهدوي را در زندان گوهردشت کرج مجبور به

امضاي حکم اعدام خويش که توسط اجراي احکام دادگاه انقلاب صادر شده بود و توسط آقاي علي محمدي معاونت

زندان گوهردشت کرج به وي ابلاغ شده بود نمودند. تاريخ اجراي اين حکم 26/2/1385 ميباشد و از شما ميخواهيم

براي نجات جان وي اين مسئله را در سطح اتحاديه اروپا مطرح نمائيد و مانع ازاعدام وي شويد.

با تشکر

فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران

Human Rights Activists in Iran
Tel : +989329224904

Dienstag, Mai 09, 2006

وبلاگ گلکو

Stop execution of
Valiyollah Feyz Mahdavi!

Montag, Mai 08, 2006

HELP / SAVE Feiz-Mahdavi !

The following is
the transcript of
Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi's description
about his arrest,

maltreatment and
planned execution date.

Please send a
protest letter similar

to the model one at the end of this information .

Warmest greetings to my dear compatriots in Iran and other countries!

My name is Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi. I was born on 25 January 1980. In
autumn 2001 I was arrested by the Intelligence Ministry agents and
charged with undermining national security and attempting to join the
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Iraq. They kept me in
solitary confinement for 546 days, during which time I was
interrogated and subjected to severe physical and psychological
torture. I was kept in a little, dimly lit cell; and when moved for
any purpose I was shackled, cuffed and blindfolded.

These were the hardest days of my life. On a number of occasions they
woke me up in middle of the night, took me outside, and told me ‘say
your last wish’. Then one of them would fire a shot. Thinking I was
hit, I would spend a few minutes in a state of shock before being led
back to my cell.

After this hellish period, they arranged a trial for me. I was
sentenced to death in a summary court presided over by a judge named
Haddad and held at the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Tehran. At my sham trial I rejected all the charges and denounced the
illegitimacy of the whole procedure where I had no legal
representation and no jury was present.

On the same day, as a punishment for my protests, I was transferred to
a prison in Kermanshah (Dizelabad Prison), where I spent the next few
months under harshest conditions. In March 2004 they returned me to
Evin Prison in Tehran. But again, after a few months, because of an
argument with Bakhtiari, the previous head of the National
Organization of Prisons, I was sent to a prison in Karaj (Rajai
Shahr). I remember on my arrival the then head of the prison, Maleki,
told me: ‘none of your protests would leave the walls of this prison’.
Ever since then I have been a target of threats and even assaults by
ordinary prisoners, instigated by prison officials. Calling my days
here ‘living’ would be an outright abuse of this word. Of course, this
is the situation of all political prisoners here, and thus has to be
considered ‘normal’ for them.

A few days before the Iranian Year beginning on 21 March 2006 I was
formally notified by the judiciary deputy of the prison that my death
sentence will be carried out on 16 May 2006. But even before this
official notice, both the head of the prison and the head of my
section, Section 6, had on a number of occasions told me that my
sentence would soon be carried out. Just last week the head of Section
6 summoned me to his office and, in an angry, threatening voice, told
me: ‘why do you publicize your condition and sentence? It is not going
to help you any more than it helped Hodjat Zamani’.

My dear compatriots and friends,
In the course of my struggle I learned that for freedom fighters it is
not all that important to realise the ultimate aim of their efforts
and sacrifice personally. What is paramount for them is steadfastness
in struggle. I truly believe that freedom, democracy and justice are
as vital to human life as the air one breathes. I thus permit myself
to ask you not to abandon our just fight against the oppressive regime
of the mollahs. I also have a few words for the leaders and minions of
the regime: we will never resign ourselves to the ignominy of
surrendering to your repressive dictatorship, even if it will cost us
our lives.

Long live an Iranian nation free from injustice, oppression and
Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi (Rajai Shahr Prison)

Translated by Didgah website.


Model letter
Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran

xx May 2006

Dear Mr President

I write to bring to your attention the urgent case of Valiollah
Feiz-Mahdavi, a 26-year-old man facing execution on 16 May 2006. Mr
Feiz-Mahdavi was arrested in 2001 and charged with undermining
national security and attempting to join the People’s Mojahedin
Organization of Iran in Iraq.

Since his arrest Mr Feiz-Mahdavi has been kept in solitary confinement
for 546 days, during which time he was interrogated and subjected to
severe physical and psychological torture. He was kept in a little,
dimly lit cell; and when moved for any purpose he was shackled, cuffed
and blindfolded.

On a number of occasions the prison authorities woke him up in middle
of the night, took him outside, and asked him his 'last wish'. Then
one of them would fire a shot. After a few minutes, still in a state
of shock, he would be led back to his cell.

Since Mr Feiz-Mahdavi had no legal representation at his trial, and
there was no jury present, it cannot be claimed that the court
proceedings complied with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Furthermore, his four and a half years detention would also contravene
IRI laws and any sentence would become null and void.

I therefore hope that you can bring the authority of your office to
put pressure on the relevant officials and bodies in the judiciary and
prison system to immediately and unconditionally:
1- Revoke Mr Feiz-Mahdavi's death sentence.
2- Release him from prison.
3- Allow international human rights and legal organisations to have
full access to the evidence against Mr Feiz-Mahdavi and to assess
appropriate further action according to the relevant international
standards and IRI laws.

I look forward to hearing about your positive intervention in this
regard in the international media.

Yours sincerely

Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran.
Fax: 98-21-648.06.65

Please send a copy of your protest letters to:

Petitions Team
Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: +41 22 917 9022

Amnesty International
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 20 7833 1510

Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor
New York, NY 10118-3299 USA
Fax: 1-(212) 736-1300

International Society for Human Rights
Borsigalle 9
D-60388 Frankfurt/M.
Fax: +49-(0)69-42 01 08-29

World Organisation Against Torture
OMCT International Secretariat
PO Box 21
8, rue du Vieux-Billard
CH-1211 Geneva 8
Fax: + 41 22 809 4929

Dienstag, Mai 02, 2006

» Es gibt gar kein Iran! «

von Andrew Bounds

Nicht nur die Regierungen des Westens haben in diesen Tagen so ihre Probleme im Umgang mit Iran. Mitglieder der fraktionsübergreifenden "Delegation für die Beziehungen zu Iran" haben sich im Europäischen Parlament darum bemüht, Teheran einmal einen Gefallen zu tun - und den Namen des Landes zu ändern.

Die Delegation, geführt von Angelika Beer, der ehemaligen Bundesvorsitzenden von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, wollte künftig nur noch von der "Islamischen Republik Iran" sprechen. Auch im Fall von China, so argumentierte Frau Beer, spreche das Parlament schließlich offiziell von der "Volksrepublik China".

In einem Brief an ihre Kollegen berichtete die ehemalige verteidigungspolitische Sprecherin der deutschen Grünen außerdem von sehr praktischen Problemen: Eine Parlamentsresolution sei von der iranischen Botschaft kürzlich einfach zurückgeschickt worden, weil nicht der richtige offizielle Name des Landes gewählt worden sei.

Für Europaparlamentarier, die sich um ihre Bonusmeilen Gedanken machen, fügte Beer außerdem noch einen wichtigen Hinweis an: Mehrere Delegationsmitglieder hätten darum gebeten, den Dialog mit den Partnern zu vertiefen und Iran zu besuchen. Die iranischen Behörden hätten aber deutlich gemacht, dass dazu zunächst die offizielle Staatsbezeichnung angepasst werden müsse.

Die Flüge können gestrichen werden. Die Abgeordneten, vor allem die der christlichen Parteien, lehnten die Islamisierung des Namens ab.