Montag, September 24, 2007

Release Political Prisoners in Iran

Release Political Prisoners in Iran

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To: United Nations

Call for the immediate release of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)

By Ramin Parham & Victoria Azad
September 23, 2007

English text:

Amidst its international, its continuing support of terrorism, its ongoing nuclear adventurism, its involvement in the destabilization of Iraq Afghanistan and Lebanon through proxy groups and its repeated calls for the destruction of a sovreign foreign state, the IRI has not lost sight of what it rightly considers as the most imminent and present danger to its existence: the people of Iran and their increasingly united dissidents.

On september 12, IRI security services have cracked down on Human Rights activists in the cities of Tehran, Karaj, Eslam-Shahr, Sanandaj, and Firooz-Kooh. Among the emprisonned freedom fighters are: Abbas Khorsandi, Meysam Roodaki, Bahram Rasekhifar, Sepideh Pooraghaii (journalist), Mansoor Faraji and Qasem Shirzadian (blogger).

At least some have been transferred to the infamous �209 section� at the Evin prison in northern Tehran.

The case is the latest among an ongoing series of arbitrary arrests hitting journalists, bloggers, and other prisoners of conscience charged with �undermining national security�, regardless of the most basic principles of justice and the presumption of innocence. Deeply concerned, we call upon the European Union and all competent international institutions to increase their pressure on the IRI authorities in Tehran, asking for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Iran.

French text:

Nous venons d�apprendre l�arrestation de six militants des Droits de l�Homme en Iran par les autorit�s de la R�publique Islamique. Ces derni�res victimes de la violation quotidienne des Droits de l�Homme en Iran sont : Abbas Khorsandi, Meysam Roodaki, Bahram Rasekhifar, Sepideh Pooraghaii (journaliste), Mansoor Faraji and Qasem Shirzadian (blogger).

Arr�t�s le 12 septembre dernier dans les villes de T�h�ran, Karaj, Eslam-Shahr, Sanandaj et Firooz-Kooh, et d�tenus depuis lors, leur sort est repr�sentatif de celui de nombreux journalistes, bloggers et autres prisonniers de conscience, mis sous les verrous pour � atteinte � la s�curit� int�rieure �, et ce, sans �gard pour les plus �l�mentaires principes de justice ou de pr�somption d�innocence. C�est avec inqui�tude que nous assistons � cette derni�re vague d�arrestations arbitraires effectu�e par les autorit�s islamiques au pouvoir en Iran. Par cette lettre, nous appelons la communaut� europ�enne, ainsi que les institutions comp�tentes � l��chelle internationale, � mettre tout en �uvre pour leur lib�ration imm�diate et celle de tous les prisonniers politiques dans notre pays.


The Undersigned

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